The Weekly Rotator: Cathy Fulwood

In our new series, we speak to inspiring Rotators & ask them to share their top picks from the app. This week, meet Cathy - a freelance marketing consultant with one of the most coveted wardrobes on the app.

Tell us about yourself & what you do?
I'm a freelance marketing consultant - I work across amazing brands in fashion, beauty and tech!

Cathy is wearing a rotated Palones dress

Why do you love renting & sharing your wardrobe on the app?
I love seeing other people wearing my wardrobe and I have so many pieces I can't possibly wear them all at once! Plus I get to make money, basically win win.

If you had to describe your style in 3 words …
Colourful, Extra, Oversized.

Cathy is wearing a rotated Saluto London dress

What’s on your current rental wish list?

Daily Sleeper, Dior, Rixo

Your most recent rental & where did you wear it to?
I rented a green and Ganni Dress for a long weekend in Edinburgh!

If you could be a colour, which one would you be & why?
Green, I'm feeling the Kermit vibes atm!

Head here to follow Cathy on the app & have a peek inside her saved folder