New Year, New (but shared!) Wardrobe. We asked 5 Women within the Rotator Community to share their 2024 New Year's resolutions, when it comes to their style and shared wardrobe.
"To be braver with my style and get my legs out more! Also to shop more sustainably and shop my own wardrobe more … and to get more of my wardrobe on By Rotation to rent out!"

"Definitely dress outside of my comfort zone and wear colours I wouldn’t usually reach for! I’d also love to try and buy less outfits and rent for one time occasions and events."

Madhulika Sharma, madhulikasharmaa
"My New Year’s fashion resolution is to consume consciously in all areas of my life. This also includes my social media intake! I want to continue supporting younger brands and local artisans throughout 2024. Think global, shop local is my motto."

Toluwa Akindele-Ajani, @teejani
"For my 2024 New Year’s resolution: I definitely want to rent more bags! It's a great accessory that completes the whole outfit, so I want to experiment with that more!"

Millie Rothman, @millierothman
"1. To invest in more timeless pieces and not be obsessed with trends! 2. To put more effort into finding pre loved gems at charity and second hand shops."

What's your New Year's resolution? Share with us by tagging @byrotation on social media.
If you'd like to discover how Rotating your wardrobe can leave a positive impact on the planet, discover By Rotation Unwrapped. Read more here.