In celebration of Earth Day, we wanted to thank all of you who chose to rent & lend this past year. Sustainability is at the heart of By Rotation, and now more than ever is a time to reflect on our purchasing habits.
With the rise of fast fashion due to competitive pricing and the “wear once” mindset, the amount of clothing we consume has doubled over the last 15 years and 30% of our garments haven't been worn in over a year.
Our mission is to truly transform how we consume fashion and are more considered in our approach as a consumer: to buy less, buy better and share more.
Here's a look at our year in review as a community, you can discover the positive impact that we've all made together by choosing to rent over buying. In 2021, by renting rather than buying new, we as a community have saved the equivalent of:

In 2021, when you chose to rent an item over buying something new, you helped us take 150 cars off the road, save 2,400 dresses going to landfill and conserve 66 olympic sized swimming pools of water.
Discover Your Positive Impact
By Rotation Unwrapped - a unique, personalised and data-driven feature tailored to each & every single Rotator. Look back at your year in review as a Rotator & discover the positive impact you've made on the planet by renting instead of buying new.

Hear from the Community...
Some of our Top Verified Lenders on the app have made over £7,000 by rotating their wardrobes on the app. Rotator @emwebs has 63 items listed on the app. Since joining By Rotation, she has had over 80 rentals on her wardrobe.
The Future: How can well all make a positive impact?
Here's the benefits of sharing over owning...
- Utilisation: Increasing utilisation of existing items (we love the 30 wears rule!)
- Waste: Decreasing whim-filled shopping and borrowing instead
- Space: An optimal wardrobe which values quality and statement pieces
- Cost: A more cost-effective approach to a new look
- Community: Connecting with the By Rotation community & meeting new Rotators
- Passive Income: A great way to make some extra money

How you can help?
Spread the word! Educate your friends and family about renting and share your rotating stories.