Cathy handles all our partnership and joined By Rotation after 10 years working in tech at Google. She's always had a keen interest in fashion, but also a desire to do something with a positive impact on the environment. As a bonus she also has an extensive wardrobe and got slightly addicted to sharing them on the app (we're not complaining)! She is also passionate about styling and loves nothing more than trawling eBay and thrift shops for pre loved items. Get to know Cathy's fitness routine, favourite vintage finds and more.
First thing you do in the morning?
I always put the radio on, I need sound to jumpstart the brain, bonus points if there's a tune on! Then if I'm feeling energetic, I do a fasted workout, usually a virtual spin class or HIIT. If not it's coffee and a few minutes on the balcony!
Best advice you've ever received?
Not so much advice but I try and live by a quote a friend sent me that's always stuck: "Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes"
Favourite item in your closet?
Too hard! Do I have to? I love it all, as I truly believe that's the only way to shop. But if there was a fire and I had to save certain pieces it would definitely be the ones with the best memories; the Prada bag I got with my first bonus, Louboutins my sister gave me for my 30th, and a recent LA purchase: an Oscar de la Renta vintage dress, because it makes me feel like a glamorous movie star and is also very flattering & forgiving.
Whose closet would you like to rent - dead or alive?
Villanelle's wardrobe from Killing Eve
Best Instagram accounts to follow?
@sophieteaart for art therapy and empowerment
@paint_mixings for pure escapism
@betina_goldstein for nail art inspo that can be an extension of your outfit
@karodall because I want her whole wardrobe.
Guilty pleasure during lockdown?
I have developed several! Tie Dye and Life Drawing are top though, I'm grateful that they stop me mindlessly scrolling social media.
Hearted items on By Rotation?